Request a Sample of Simply Fresh 2Go K12 Products!

Tasting is believing! We are happy to ship K12 product samples to school districts. There is a 5–10 business day turnaround on sample requests. We ship on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday using next day delivery by 10:30am. We will charge your shipper account for the total shipping costs. Please complete the sample request form below. Thank you for your interest in our delicious, nutritious K12 meals and salads!

K12 Sample Request Form LIVE
Shipping Address *
Shipping Address
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Zip Code
K12 MEALS & SALADS: Check the box to the left of the items you would like to sample. If you would like to receive more than one sample per item selected, please describe your specific request in the message box below. Thank you.
Please note: This sample request form is not an approval of your sample request. We will contact you to confirm your order and delivery date. Once we approve this order and delivery date, your samples will be shipped overnight with delivery by 10:30am.

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